Thursday, 8 November 2012

An Interesting Piece I Read

I’ve just read a really interesting article on the BBC website about the rise of people who are crafting from home.  It talks about the increase in membership of the websites and the American  It’s an interesting read.  I thought the most interesting point was the quote by Richard Cope which says:

 "In an era where everyone is walking around with Kindles and PCs and the same MP3 player and Superdry clothes, handmade and niche items are a real opportunity to express personality.”

 This was one of the reasons why we started to make our own items.  While our items are a little more expensive than those you could find on the local high street, they offer something unique, something one of a kind – special. 

Anyway, if you follow the link above, it will take you to the article.  Give it a read!  I think you will like it. Let me know what you think, and leave a comment!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

With all the Christmas adverts on the tv the thoughts of all at Sunshine Baby Crafts have turned rather festive. It has set us to looking at what little knitted toys we can make at this time of year- Debbie used to make us knitted dollies each Christmas and we both still have our Snowman dollies, although 20 years on and my Snowman has no fluff in his neck where I dragged him about! I am looking forward to seeing Louise's crochet dog when he is finished, he will be an excellent addition to our growing teddy and dolly selection.

As readers will know we recently went on holiday to Norfolk and purchased some pretty new materials for our new designs. A new project that we are trying to get off the ground is bandana bibs for toddlers, and we have some fun and bright Christmas designs that we hope to get on our website soon.

We are currently working on a number of orders for different customers and friends but have been able to complete a selection of beautiful snuggly cot blankets, perfect for the current weather. They are so pretty and warm that we just love them!

As ever please take a look at our website and our Facebook page in order see our newest products!