I’ve just read a really interesting article
on the BBC website about the rise of people who are crafting from home. It talks about the increase in membership of
the websites Folksy.co.uk and the American Etsy.com. It’s an interesting read. I thought the most interesting point was the
quote by Richard Cope which says:
an era where everyone is walking around with Kindles and PCs and the same MP3 player
and Superdry clothes, handmade and niche items are a real opportunity to
express personality.”
This was one of the reasons why we started to make our
own items. While our items are a little
more expensive than those you could find on the local high street, they offer
something unique, something one of a kind – special.
Anyway, if you follow
the link above, it will take you to the article. Give it a read! I think you will like it. Let me know what
you think, and leave a comment!